
Join the Certified Designing Agile Organizations Workshop with Jurgen De Smet

Join a two-day Certified Designing Agile Organizations workshop on Sep 17-18 as a combo with the conference (Sep 15-16). The capacity is limited! 

Join the ICAgile Professional Agile Coaching Certification Workshop with John Barratt

Join a two-day ICAgile Professional Agile Coaching Certification workshop on Sep 17-18 as a combo with the conference (Sep 15-16). The capacity is limited! 

Agile Prague 2025

The next year of Agile Prague Conference is going to be Sep 15-16, 2025.


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Open Space

Wouldn’t it be great to go to a conference that included all of the topics that are most interesting to you? A conference that addressed your most pressing questions?
That’s what the Open Space sessions are for. It’s the part of the conference that you get to design.

Join the lunch Open Space and deepen your learning experience. 


Home » Articles » Speakers and Talks 2012 » Kevlin Henney

Kevlin Henney

Kevlin Henney

Kevlin is an independent consultant and trainer based in the UK. His development interests are in patterns, programming, practice and process. He helps teams adopt techniques and improve their software development through training, mentoring and reviewing. He has been a columnist for various magazines and web sites. Kevlin is co-author of A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing and On Patterns and Pattern Languages, two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series. He is also editor of the 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know site and book.


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Author of:

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 5: On Patterns and Pattern Languages

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know


A Question of Craftsmanship

Although a great deal of the enthusiasm for Agile development initially grew from software developers, much of the current focus in Agile circles has moved on to organisational aspects, product management and soft skills. Craftsmanship has long been a quality and a metaphor applied to software development, but more recently software craftsmanship has emerged as a more explicit movement and branding focused on reclaiming and re-emphasising the importance of the detail, of how to code and how to do it well. There are many different perspectives on what the craftsmanship metaphor implies and what benefits and liabilities it may have. This session lays out and explores the motivation, implications, pros and cons of a craftsmanship view of software development.

See the slides