
Conference workshops 2024

Join the workshops organized together with Agile Prague 2024 and learn:

September is an Agile month

September is an Agile month. At least you can make it very Agile.

Join AgilePrague Sep 16-17, Women In Agile Prague Sep 18, and Regional Scrum Gathering Stockholm Sep 9-10. Three conferences, great learning. Register today to get early bird ticket.

Enjoy #AgileSeptember!

Agile Prague 2024

The next year of Agile Prague Conference is going to be Sep 16-17, 2024.


AgilePrague Innovate Experiment Change

Open Space

Wouldn’t it be great to go to a conference that included all of the topics that are most interesting to you? A conference that addressed your most pressing questions?
That’s what the Open Space sessions are for. It’s the part of the conference that you get to design.

Join the lunch Open Space and deepen your learning experience. 


Home » Call for Participation

Call for Participation - Agile Prague 2024

The program is full, you can still use this form if you like to be considered as a backup. THANKS!

It was one of the hardest years to choose speakers. We had 167 great submissions so we had to make very hard choices. Thanks for submitting and we let you know in case there are some cancelations. 

See the actual program here:

Agile Prague invites you to join this event that brings together Agile Coaches, ScrumMasters, Product Owners, developers, testers, managers, and everyone interested in Agile. This event will be a great opportunity to share experience, solutions to the most common issues and will help to identify new challenges in the field.

We are looking for 30min stories sharing practical experiences and four 60min workshops/games from the following areas:

  • Business Agility
  • Collaboration, Culture, and Teams
  • Scaling
  • Technical Practices and Craftsmanship

See more details about the review process and compensation below before you submit the session.

There is no fixed timeline (we are agile), we accept speakers as we go in short iterations.

Submit a talk


Speaker Conditions

- Willing to come to Prague (there is no virtual option).

Conference ticket for both primary and secondary speakers 

- Invitation for a pre-conference speaker dinner and conference friend's party

- We are low budget confernece but we try to compensate by taking care of you and your travel partner. We offer a private guide to explore Prague during the the weekend before the conference so you can enjoy the sightseeing and see Prague as a local.


Review, format, audience and compensation

We are looking for the high diversity of talks, so please be patient waiting for final decision. Building the right program is a puzzle. We will notify accepted speakers over email and share our selection status online, but it may take time.

Share a video link you increase your chance of being accepted.

Note that majority of our talks are 30 min TED-style stories and we only have four workshops in specific space good for games and activities, but it's not a traditional workshop space. 

If you are not accepted it's usually because of the mix of the other topics. 

Agile Prague Conference is building a unique collaborative environment where participants not only listen to the speakers but are encouraged to approach them and have a conversation together.

Every mid-day there is an Open Space where they have an opportunity to discuss topics with each other and speakers. We encourage speakers to submit a followup session there. It's also great opportunity for people who were not accepted because of the limmited space to present their ideas. 

Coaches Clinic is open during breaks and lunches, if you want to join as a coach and are CEC, CST, CTC or have any other coaching experience, please contact us.

The conference is in English.


What is the right format for my session?

There are three types of proposals we are looking for: case studies, talks, and workshops (we have very limited space so we only accept very few workshops).

» Keynote - 45-minute keynotes are by invitation only.

» Talk - 30-minute "TED-style" short stories from practical experience - this is the core of the conference (we are looking for narrow and deep talks. You can create a deep dive openspace session as a followup.

» Case study - 20-minute case study session describing the real experience and examples from Czech and international agile journey companies (focus, go right to the point, share what worked well, but also what did not work.)

» Workshop/Game - 60-minute interactive sessions, play & fun required! (space is very limited, we only have a few workshops accepted)


How do I make sure I can meet the needs of the audience?

We are looking for content appealing to:

» Managers and Leaders

» Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and Agile Coaches

» Project / Product Managers

» Business Analysts

» HR professionals

» Testers and Developers


What is the compensation for the speakers?

Speakers at Agile Prague will have a great opportunity to present their ideas and experiences in front of the international audience with a broad spectrum of people from different companies and positions.

Speakers of an accepted talk, case study or workshop to the Agile Prague program receive a complimentary registration to attend the conference and invitation to a pre-conference networking speaker dinner.

Furthermore, your colleagues, clients, and network partners will be granted an additional discount for the conference fee.

Invited keynote speakers may claim additional expenses depending on our agreement.


How can I submit a talk proposal?

Please fill in the Call for Participation form. You will be notified about the acceptance of your talk and/or additional comments from the reviewers. Also please feel free to suggest more talks.

There is no submission deadline. We run the acceptance process in iterations, the program committee is going to accept the most interesting talks every now and then and keep the rest in the backlog to see how they fit into the conference program puzzle. 

The first round of the review process is usually closed by the end of February, the next rounds of review will be done regularly. The program is usually finalized in May/June, where you will hear at the latest from us. 

To submit a talk, please fill in the form above. Looking forward to meet you at Agile Prague Conference.