
Conference workshops 2024

Join the workshops organized together with Agile Prague 2024 and learn:

September is an Agile month

September is an Agile month. At least you can make it very Agile.

Join AgilePrague Sep 16-17, Women In Agile Prague Sep 18, and Regional Scrum Gathering Stockholm Sep 9-10. Three conferences, great learning. Register today to get early bird ticket.

Enjoy #AgileSeptember!

Agile Prague 2024

The next year of Agile Prague Conference is going to be Sep 16-17, 2024.


AgilePrague Innovate Experiment Change

Open Space

Wouldn’t it be great to go to a conference that included all of the topics that are most interesting to you? A conference that addressed your most pressing questions?
That’s what the Open Space sessions are for. It’s the part of the conference that you get to design.

Join the lunch Open Space and deepen your learning experience. 


Alan Bustamante: Only the Agile Survive

by Anna Kulakowska

In business, there are several factors that really count. You can follow the trends to see what methodology would be beneficial for your business objectives.
The visible trends include the following:
• Shorter manufacturing cycles (decreasing time to market)
• Talent war for rockstar ninja engineers
• Emerging involvement with social media (hearing the voice of customers)
• Holistic approach of all parties concentrating on a common goal (employees, shareholders, customers, competition).

If you recall the Agile Manifesto, you can see easily how Agile methodology responds to current trends.
There are also measurable metrics on how Agile can help companies meet their business objectives:
‘The MIT research indicates that Agile firms grow revenue 37% faster and generate 30% higher profits than non-agile companies’.
On top of that, by introducing iterative delivery the Agile methodology adds value incrementally and reduces the overall risk. Another advantage is team organization: As opposed to traditional teams, Agile teams are not hierarchical, they are self-organizing. Self-leadership and self-empowerment of team members is making ‘traditional’ leaders to step down.

The graphics were created by Richard Fridrich.