
Join the Certified Designing Agile Organizations Workshop with Jurgen De Smet

Join a two-day Certified Designing Agile Organizations workshop on Sep 17-18 as a combo with the conference (Sep 15-16). The capacity is limited! 

Join the ICAgile Professional Agile Coaching Certification Workshop with John Barratt

Join a two-day ICAgile Professional Agile Coaching Certification workshop on Sep 17-18 as a combo with the conference (Sep 15-16). The capacity is limited! 

Agile Prague 2025

The next year of Agile Prague Conference is going to be Sep 15-16, 2025.


AgilePrague Innovate Experiment Change

Open Space

Wouldn’t it be great to go to a conference that included all of the topics that are most interesting to you? A conference that addressed your most pressing questions?
That’s what the Open Space sessions are for. It’s the part of the conference that you get to design.

Join the lunch Open Space and deepen your learning experience. 


Lightning talks

Lightning talks are your chance to share at Agile Prague Conference even if your talk hasn't been selected. 

Does it ever happen to you that you wanted to have a talk at the conference, had a great topic in your mind but haven’t been selected? Here is a new chance for you!

During the conference, the participants will vote on topics. Any participant can offer a 10min talk they are passionate about.

The top four lightning talks will be presented on Tuesday afternoon. Topics are chosen by the participants at the Agile Prague Conference.

How do I submit a topic?

It's very simple:
  1. Get the bright color page from the registration desk,
  2. Write your TOPIC and your NAME, 
  3. Return it to the registration, and give them your email or another contact so they can let you know. They check it and place it on the wall so people can vote for it.

We will notify the winners at the end of the first day. 

See the picture with the Lightning talk as an example.


How do we choose the topics?

Again it's very simple. The topic with the most votes wins

  • Each participant will get special "voting stickers" at the registration.
  • They stick them to the topics
  • At the end of the day, the speaker with the most votes gets notified by organizers and can prepare for Day2 presentation
  • See the program for exact timing.