
Agile Prague 2024

The next year of Agile Prague Conference is going to be Sep 16-17, 2024.


AgilePrague Innovate Experiment Change

Attendee Information

Agile Prague conference is getting closer. 


Please come to the registration desk at 8:30 am so we allow the conference to start on time.


The conference is on September 16-17, 2024. 

Conference workshops 2024

Join the workshops organized together with Agile Prague 2024 and learn:

September is an Agile month

September is an Agile month. At least you can make it very Agile.

Join AgilePrague Sep 16-17, Women In Agile Prague Sep 18, and Regional Scrum Gathering Stockholm Sep 9-10. Three conferences, great learning. Register today to get early bird ticket.

Enjoy #AgileSeptember!

Open Space

Wouldn’t it be great to go to a conference that included all of the topics that are most interesting to you? A conference that addressed your most pressing questions?
That’s what the Open Space sessions are for. It’s the part of the conference that you get to design.

Join the lunch Open Space and deepen your learning experience. 


Tony Grout

Tony Grout

Tony is the World Wide Co-Chair of the IBM Agile Leadership Council working across the whole of IBM coaching and mentoring teams and executives on being agile. He also works with many of IBM’s largest customers and advises them on their agile journey. Tony has broad experience across industry sector, project size and technology platforms. He was CTO of a number of software businesses before joining IBM and before that spent 15 years programme managing, architecting, building and deploying software products, systems and custom software in order to make people lives better.

twitter  tonygrout

LinkedIn profile


Keynote: Big Change - Were The Agile Text Books Break Down

IBM has been on an agile journey for over five years now with thousands of developers working in diverse environments most of which involve geographically dispersed teams operating at scale. In this session Tony shares where IBM is on the journey, what challenges have IBM solved, what is still left to be solved and how has IBM created a large scale agile ecosystem in such a complex and classically structured organisation.

This is a from the trenches session based on Tony's experiences coaching, facilitating and working in the IBM labs with the teams and the executives.


What does good and bad smell like in the large?

Based reviews and coaching of big agile projects with over 100 people or more working on them, IBM share what they've learnt about what to do more of, what do less off and what to avoid entirely. IBM is also keen for others working on large agile projects to join the discussion as we continue to learn what good and bad smell like in the large.