
Join the Certified Designing Agile Organizations Workshop with Jurgen De Smet

Join a two-day Certified Designing Agile Organizations workshop on Sep 17-18 as a combo with the conference (Sep 15-16). The capacity is limited! 

Join the ICAgile Professional Agile Coaching Certification Workshop with John Barratt

Join a two-day ICAgile Professional Agile Coaching Certification workshop on Sep 17-18 as a combo with the conference (Sep 15-16). The capacity is limited! 

Agile Prague 2025

The next year of Agile Prague Conference is going to be Sep 15-16, 2025.


AgilePrague Innovate Experiment Change

Open Space

Wouldn’t it be great to go to a conference that included all of the topics that are most interesting to you? A conference that addressed your most pressing questions?
That’s what the Open Space sessions are for. It’s the part of the conference that you get to design.

Join the lunch Open Space and deepen your learning experience. 


Greg Young

Greg Young

Greg Young is an independent consultant and entrepreneur. He is always involved with many concurrent projects, currently these include building out a distributed event store and mighty moose (a continuous test runner). For periods of years Greg has been known to stop living anywhere and just travel.

twitter  gregyoung



Developers are strange creatures

We as developers have many biases that often we need to take a step back from in order to gain perspective. This session will deliberately go after many of our sacred cows and show how they are really just us over-optimizing a belief.

Becoming Effective in the First 24 Hours of your Project

Often we get thrown into new projects either due to movements within an organization or our own choice of becoming contractors. This talk looks at strategies for getting the lay of the land and providing value with your first few days of the project. Where are areas that are worrying within the code base? What code should probably be refactored? How can we more quickly identify hot spot and gotchas inside of a project?

See the slides